Woman Handing Document to Outsourced Contractor in Boardroom

The question “How to grow my business?” is a constant echo in the minds of any entrepreneur or company executive. And for good reason — the world is a dynamic place full of opportunities for any enterprise. But on the other hand, a stagnant business is vulnerable to losing relevance, market share, and profitability to its competitors.

Fortunately, growth need not be as daunting as many business owners presume. The key lies in strategic decisions that fuel expansion while maintaining operational efficiency. One such effective strategy is outsourcing business services, such as secure printing and mailing services. Through harnessing symbiotic partnerships, businesses can unlock remarkable potential and create the room necessary to flourish.

Let’s take a look at how this concept not only answers the persistent question of how to grow your business but also addresses the crucial need for adaptability and innovation.

What Services Should You Outsource and When? 

Obtaining goods and services from external contractors is as old as business itself. In fact, over a third of small businesses in the U.S. outsource at least one business process.

Some of the most commonly outsourced areas are:

  • Administrative tasks that can be easily delegated, e.g., data entry, scheduling, and documentation. 
  • IT services involving specific expertise such as software development, maintenance, and technical support, and secure printing and mailing services
  • Marketing efforts that benefit from specialized agencies, e.g., content creation and social media management
  • Customer service, especially if looking for ways to grow your business in multilingual settings, is best outsourced to ensure responsive and culturally sensitive support.

In essence, any task that doesn’t directly contribute to a company’s core strengths and requires specialized skills or time can be outsourced.

This is also what should inform your decision: It’s time to outsource if and when your business faces resource limitations, especially during peak demand or expansion phases; you require specialized help for services such as distribution of critical documents or complex legal matters; and/or you find that non-core functions are diverting essential time, focus, and manpower from business priorities.

How To Outsource To Grow Your Business 

To understand the relationship between outsourcing business services and growth, let’s take a look at some benefits you stand to reap: 

1. Outsourcing Contributes To Major Business Savings 

One of the most obvious advantages of using external contractors is the reduced overhead costs associated with maintaining in-house teams. Businesses avoid expenses like employee benefits, office space, equipment, and training as their partners handle these costs themselves. This flexibility means you only pay for what you need, when you need it.

Additionally, outsourcing services like HR eliminates the need for continuous recruitment and administrative efforts, thus streamlining operations and resulting in substantial financial savings over time.

2. Outsourcing Creates Room for Innovation 

If you’re exploring how to grow your business, innovation is definitely one of your top priorities, and thus so is outsourcing.

This is because it allows internal teams to focus on strategic planning, research, and development while time-consuming, routine tasks are delegated to external experts. This redirection of energy and expertise fosters a culture of innovation that enables companies to explore fresh ideas and breakthrough solutions.

Reduced operational burdens also leave more resources for new products, services, or processes.

3. Outsourcing Increases Efficiency and Productivity 

Companies streamline their operations by delegating non-core tasks to specialized external partners and allowing internal teams to concentrate on their core competencies.

This focused approach not only saves time on repetitive tasks, but also reduces errors and rework as tasks are handled by experts. The collaborative synergy between internal and external resources maximizes output while minimizing time and effort expenditure, making it one of the best ways to grow a business.

4. Outsourcing Enhances Market Penetration and Global Reach 

Access to specialized talent and resources allows companies to tailor their marketing strategies to diverse audiences by breaking down language and cultural barriers. For example, outsourced multilingual customer support establishes connections with global clientele which builds trust and brand loyalty.

Moreover, outsourcing business services enables companies to leverage local insights and expertise which opens doors to new growth opportunities in previously untapped regions. It’s one of the most effective ways to grow your business in a new or foreign market.

Accelerate Your Growth With Information Outsource 

In summary, strategic outsourcing can significantly improve your business’s growth trajectory by giving you the capacity to evolve, adapt, and prosper.

Want to learn more about how you can harness the full potential of outsourcing and drive your business forward? Information Outsource has over 25 years of experience providing companies across different industries with everything from business documents to critical communications materials.

Contact us today to learn more about how our printing and mailing services can help you grow your business.